
Circle is a great way to manage all devices in your home which connect to the internet through your home WiFi.

The handheld cube connects to your router and all devices are managed through the Circle app on the parent’s phone.

The app allows for profile customization for FILTER SETTINGS  and for each family member.  The parent has full control over what they consider to be a “Kid” filter versus a “Teen” filter before they apply to a child’s profile.


Below is a screen shots from a profile inside the app.


Each family member can be given age-specific Filter Levels, BedTime, Time Limits, and Off Time – Each of these allows for further customization. Additionally there is the option to pause the device’s internet connection or reward the child with more screen time for completed chores or good behavior.


Off Time is a beautiful feature for children and you can customize this until your heart is content.


You don’t have to worry about setting “too stringent” of limitations because Circle makes it easy to allow for exceptions. Better to start tightly limited and allow for allowances than to begin to broad and have to cut back.


Circle also provides detailed insight to the parent about how much time is spent online and where that time was spent.


Not only to they provide the websites the child visited, but also which websites they attempted to visit but was filtered.



If you like these the filters, limits, and insight Circle provides you, consider also Circle Go. This applies all of your filters and limits to any WiFi or 4G network they connect to on their device. This is particularly helpful for children with their first smartphone.




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