Ep. 73: Modern Marijuana Use

In this episode we discuss the increased legalization of recreational marijuana in the U.S. and the shockingly high potency of THC in modern marijuana compared to that of 30 years ago. These two factors have led to increased mental health concerns as well as psychosis diagnosis, especially in young people. Social media is vocal on its approval of recreational marijuana use while the Bible is silent on the topic of “drugs”. Therefore Brave Parents must stand in the gap and begin having conversations with their kids about today’s use of marijuana. We dive into these issues and help you open the door to conversations with your children.

Articles/Reports referenced in this show:

Cannabis Policy: Public Health and Safety Issues and Recommendations

Highly Potent Weed Has Swept The Market, Raising Concerns About Health Risks

Marijuana and the Pediatric Population

Psychosis, Addiction, Chronic Vomiting: As Weed Becomes More Potent, Teens Are Getting Sick

Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says




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