Brave Parenting

We are a network of brave parents who empower & equip others to intentionally develop & train children to have strong character & integrity.  We believe brave parenting is doing the right thing even when it is hard. While it seems our children would rather be raised by the internet, the truth is they need strong and courageous parents who will invest in their character.


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Kelly Newcom

Kelly is founder and executive director of Brave Parenting. She is married to Ryan (20 years strong), a part time community pharmacist and also a adoptive parent of 7 children. Kelly is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Biblical Theology and Apologetics from The Master’s University. Passionate to see  others bravely parent on the “narrow road”, Kelly believes parenting is Kingdom work and must done with the courage and bravery of a warrior of God.

Chelsea Hezel

Chelsea is married to her high-school sweetheart, Zach, and they have three kids which they homeschool. She is a graduate of The Master’s University in biblical counseling. Currently, she volunteers in her local church as a women’s counselor and Bible study teacher. She is passionate about teaching God’s Word to her sisters in Christ. Of course, their location is always subject to change due to their military life-style. She loves to travel and explore new adventures. When she isn’t busy, you can find working in her yard and jamming out to classic rock.

Statement of Faith

We believe in the sovereign grace of God, who has predestined His people for salvation through Jesus Christ. We affirm the authority of Scripture alone as the infallible rule of faith and practice. Justification is by faith alone in Christ alone, and we strive to live for God’s glory in all things, continually seeking His sanctifying work in our lives through the Holy Spirit.

Additionally, we affirm the following doctrinal statements:

Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Nashville Statement
Chicago Statement of Inerrancy
Dallas Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel



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