Ep. 127: Babies, Toddlers, & Screens: A Win-Win? or Win-Lose?

In today’s episode, we’re reflecting on and wading through the murky waters of screen time for our youngest kiddos. We look at the pros and cons of screen time for babies and toddlers and discuss the nuanced nature of scientific research surrounding this topic. As online media and screen technology continue to advance at a rapid speed, this topic isn’t as black and white as we’d like it to be, but the word of God is sufficient to help us.

Overall, we want to encourage every parent to simply consider whether the screen time is a Win-Win for you and the child or a Win-Lose (where you win, but they lose).

Scripture referenced:

Ephesians 6:4
Matthew 16:24-26
Matthew 4:1-11
Matthew 14:13-21
Philippians 2:3-4

Articles referenced:

World Health Organization recommendations
American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations


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