Ep. 125: Applying Biblical Boundaries & Restrictions

In this episode, Kelly discusses the WHY of boundaries and restrictions for media and internet-connected devices. Parents, you must know the WHY before you can APPLY. Otherwise, when it gets tough, you’ll give up. Also, Kelly reviews the best kid-safe smartphone for parents to consider and reviews all of Brave Parenting’s best practices for boundaries and restrictions for the devices in your home.

Bottom line: We cannot be afraid of our kids! Don’t fear their anger at you for enforcing boundaries or fear they will find a way to access the internet regardless. We must fear God and be good stewards of our children’s souls.

Scripture referenced:

Matthew 16:26
Ephesians 6:4
Ephesians 6:1
Hosea 14:9
Exodus 20:12
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
James 4:1
1 Peter 5:8
James 4:4

Books referenced:

The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancey Pearcey
Managing Media Creating Character by Kelly Newcom


Thinking of a FIRST phone? Our best recommendation is the Pinwheel!

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