Ep. 87: Worldview Wednesday

In today’s Worldview Wednesday Kelly & Chelsea talk about some popular headlines from December and how to think about them through the lens of Scripture. From the 2022 Word of the Year to AI image-generating app Lensa, climate change fear, and a Navy SEAL detransitioning are analyzed with a Biblical Worldview so that parents and young people can learn to think Biblically about the news of the world.

Articles referenced:

‘Goblin mode’ is Oxford’s word of the year. What does it mean?

The Cut’s definition of Goblin Mode

The Dead Sea is dying. These beautiful, ominous photos show the impact

‘Magic Avatar’ App Lensa Generated Nudes From My Childhood Photos

Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: ‘Destroyed my life’

Scripture referenced:
Gen 2:15
2 Thes 3:10-12
Prov 15:19
Prov 10:4
Prov 26:15
Col 3:23-24
Rom 1:18-32
Gen 3:17-18
Isa 51:6
Mat 24:35
Rev 21:1-7
Rom 8:22
Ps 24:1
Ps 46:1-3
Deut 6:7
Luke 8:15
Rom 8:25
Col 3:12
Jam 5:7
2 Tim 4:2
Rev 4:11
Ps 66:4
Jam 3:16

Documentary referenced:





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