Ep. 95: WW “Teen Girls & LGBTQ+ Youth in Crisis”

This week’s Worldview Wednesday highlights headlines that swept the nation on February 13, 2023. The CDC released its most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey for 2021, and the results show teen girls and lgbtq+ youth are in a major crisis and at risk. Kelly & Chelsea walk through the results, the proposed action steps, and how ridiculously insufficient they are. They provide five alternative reasons to explain the crisis – all of which parents can take action on immediately.

Articles referenced:

2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results
2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results
2011-2021 Data Summary and Trends Report

CDC data shows U.S. teen girls ‘in crisis’ with unprecedented rise in suicidal behavior
Teens, especially girls, are experiencing more violence, suicidal thoughts, and mental health challenges, CDC survey finds
CDC Report on Teen Mental Health is a Red Flag

Podcast referenced:

Brave Parenting #73: Modern Marijuana Use
Brave Parenting #79: It’s Time to Do Something About Pornography
Brave Parenting #80: No Porn November Worldview Wednesday
Brave Parenting #81: Sugar Dating
Brave Parenting #82: OnlyFans and Digital Sex Work

Scripture referenced:

Gen 1:27
Romans 1:19-32

Books referenced:

American Girls: The Secret Life of Teenagers by Nancy Jo Sales
iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy – and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood by Jean Twenge




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