School Breaks: Keeping Technology in Check

As another school break rolls around, we’re answering some commonly asked questions regarding screen time when not in school. But in reality, these questions hold true for every day. My children are at home by themselves while I am at work. How do I keep them off the internet all day long? First, children should […]
Put Down Your Screens! It’s Time to Read. [Summer Book List]

If you can read this coherently, then you have survived yet another school year! Congratulations! It’s time to throw off the burdens of homework, projects, and the dreaded pick-up line. Maybe you have a ton of things planned this summer, or perhaps your only goal is to survive. Either way, one of the best things […]

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links to products for which we may receive a commission. There are 168 hours in a week. On average this is how our children spend these hours: 6.5 hr school x 5 days = 32.5 hours 4-9 hr media consumption x 7 days = 45.5 hours (avg) 2-3 hours extracurricular […]
Dear Homeschool Mom: 7 Truths You Need Right Now and Every Day.

Dear Homeschool Mom, You are a BRAVE PARENT. You might not believe me but I think you are amazing. Beautiful. Breathtaking. You inspire and encourage me, even when you’re struggling to form sentences after an exhausting day. I think you have the most beautiful heart and are so brave. You said, “yes” even when others (possibly even […]
The Truth About Fairy Tales

Childhood is a brief and sacred time, and sometimes parents skip over how important it is for kids to be kids. We tap our foot waiting for Father Time to speed up the process, because when they’re little, they can be exhausting! We’re almost always expecting relief in the next phase of their maturity rather […]
Your Brain on Books: 10 Incredible Benefits to Reading

A brain on books is proven to be better than a brain without books. Statistics show that a quarter of Americans have not read a single book in the past 12 months. Come on now, we need to be reading a lot more! Here are 10 game-changing and incredible reasons you should be reading more […]
How 20 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Child

I want the best for my kids. You do too, I’m sure. What if I told you that one of the best things you can do for your child only took 20 minutes. That a solid 20 minutes has the potential to change your child’s life. Dare I say it, maybe even your relationship? Would you […]
ADHD: To Medicate or Not? An Honest Opinion From a Pharmacist and Parent

Being a retail Pharmacist is sort of like my ‘other life’ outside of being a parent, blogger, and speaker. I enjoy my job because I love getting to know people, helping them overcome simple ailments like allergies or sore muscles, and simply being a kind soul in the brutal territory of sickness, disease, addiction, and […]