Ep. 131: “Ethical” AI Porn

November is the month that we shine a light on the dark reality of online pornography. And today, we specifically highlight the newest debate on the ethics of AI porn. Is it now “ethical” since it doesn’t exploit people in the making of it? We provide clear definitions for you to understand the intricacies and an apologetic (defense) for you to use when dealing with this topic.

Articles referenced:
Women’s Health Magazine: Ethical Porn
Tech Crunch: As AI Porn Generators Get Better the Stakes Get Higher
NCOSE: Why Ethical Porn is a Myth
Fight the New Drug: Would AI Generated Nudes Solve the Ethical Problems of Porn Sites
Fight the New Drug: Exposing the New Wave of Extreme Hentai Animated Porn
Inside Edition: Meet Milla Sofia the AI Influencer
Influencer Creates AI Version of Herself That You Can Rent as a Girlfriend
AI Porn is Colloding With Human Sexuality and Raising Some Ethical Red Flags
Wired: Deepfake Porn is Out of Control
Viewing Porn Increases Unethical Behavior

Scripture referenced:
Isaiah 5:20
1 Corinthians 6:18
Romans 1:18-32

Resource Recommendation:
Brain Heart World by Fight the New Drug

Check out last year’s No Porn November podcasts for more on this topic: Episodes 79, 80, 81, and 82
and our No Porn November Resource Guide


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We don’t have an affiliation with Canopy but we love what they’ve created and think you will too!




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