Brave Parenting Guide to No Porn

Pornography is generally defined as printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Expanding that definition through the lens of Scripture and the reality of culture, pornography isn’t just sexual gratification – it’s an abuse of the body, hardening of the heart, searing our consciences against God, child abuse, human trafficking, abortion, gender confusion, toxic sexuality, drugs, violence, suicide and maybe much more that has yet to be exposed.

Pornography, and sexual immorality in general, have been a driving force of evil for millenniums. However, with the advent of the internet, smartphones, and artificial intelligence-driven algorithms, pornography has become a destructive force that has shattered any semblance of dignity and worth for women, children, and human sexuality.

This is most concerning for children and young adults. And this is why Brave Parenting takes a stand against the pornification of society and purposes to equip parents with knowledge and tools to bravely fight against this in their own homes.

The following is a list of resources to help guide your learning and the fight!


Brave Parenting: It’s Time To Do Something About Pornography

Brave Parenting: Worldview Wednesday – No Porn November Edition

Brave Parenting: Sugar Dating

Brave Parenting: OnlyFans & “Digital Sex Work”

Brave Parenting: Proverbs 7: Teaching Sexual Wisdom to Kids

Truth in Love: Christians and Masturbation

Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: Secular Feminist: ‘Bring Back Christian Sexual Ethics’

Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey: The Truth About ‘Comprehensive Sex Education’


Fight the New Drug

Covenant Eyes

Moral Revolution

National Center on Sexual Exploitation


Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert

Rescue Skills: Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken by Deepak Reju

Rescue Plan: Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography by Deepak Reju and Jonathon D. Holmes

Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcy

Strange New World by Carl Trueman


Raised On Porn

Barely Legal

Brain Heart World

Dysconnected (pornography’s contribution to transgenderism)

Action Steps

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead God’s people to repentance and healing from porn addiction. Pray that the Lord would open the eyes of the blind and bring the world to the light of how destructive pornography is for society.
  • Check all the internet-connected devices in your home. Ensure that boundaries and blocks are in place to stop pornography from coming through. Every Mac, PC, smartphone, and game console has BUILT-IN safeguards that can be set up. Go through browser history to see if an already present issue needs to be addressed.
  • Begin a conversation about God’s view of masturbation with your husband, and with your Christian friends – especially your parenting friends! Challenge the belief that it is normal and healthy.
  • Have a conversation with your child about masturbation. If they are saved and are following Jesus, implore them to seek God’s heart and wisdom on their own. The best thing for their own faith is to allow the Lord to work, not make it another rule they have to follow. If they are not saved and do not agree (or will not even stand to listen) plant the seed and pray.
  • Listen, watch, and read the podcasts, books, websites, and documentaries we’ve listed in our Resources. Share it with a friend or on social media. 
  • Prepare yourself for the inevitable “I’ve seen pornography” or “I know you’re viewing pornography” conversation with your child. Practice empathizing, practice calmness – what will you say? What questions will you ask? It is immensely advantageous to have worked out ahead of time.
  • Be the brave relative or friend who confronts a loved one who is consuming porn with conviction and compassion, the hope of Jesus Christ, and the resources that we provide as stepping stones to quitting.
  • Check out Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You for internet accountability services.
  • Do not conform to the patterns of this world (Romans 12:2). The pornification of society has made it taboo to not consider porn normal and acceptable. Reject the porn narrative at every turn!



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