10 FORTNITE Facts Every Parent Should Know [VIDEO]

There seems to be some new viral trend captivating our kids every six months. Whether it be a dance move (Whip Nae Nae), toys (fidget spinners), crafts (slime), or apps (Pokemon Go) – kids today love to jump on the bandwagon and ride it all the way to obsession. The current obsession: FORTNITE. Epic Games, […]

Kids are Savvy and Sneaky – Here’s Why You Should Care:

You aren’t going to like hearing this, but your children are most likely doing things behind your back you don’t know about. WAIT! WHAT!! Did you know? A better question, do you care? If their grades are not affected, do you care what they do at school? If their safety isn’t in jeopardy, do you mind […]



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