Brave Parenting Guide to AI Robots for Kids

Children are a target audience for innovation because technology companies gain customers for life if they hook them young. AI (Smart) Robots are the next big thing. Forget about the Digimons and Furbies of the past. These are intelligent, semi-humanoid robotic companions that supposedly educate, emotionally support, and enrich childhood – without your help. Here […]

Brave Parenting Guide to Chatbot Therapy Apps

What is “Chatbot Therapy”? Chatbot Therapy is AI-powered mental health care. It generally serves as a substitute for in-person or tele-health style live counseling traditionally provided by another human – not just any human, but one who is educated, trained, licensed, and experienced in providing mental health care and counseling to individuals in need. AI […]

Screen Time Standards During COVID-19 Captivity

The standards you live by are important. They are like the bones of the body, which keeps it supported and structured. Imagine the floppy mess we’d be without bones. While bones and structure are essential for a functioning body, they are not what keeps us alive. It is our relationships that is the heartbeat of […]

KonMari Your Media

Have you KonMari’d your house yet? If you haven’t heard, KonMari is latest craze sweeping the nation. You go through your stuff (which we all tend to have a lot of) and hold every item. Then, you take a moment to decide if the item you are holding sparks joy. Yes? Keep it. No? Toss […]

Resolving to be a Transformed Parent

We’re desperate for change. Wouldn’t it have been wonderful to wake up on January 1stand be transformed? In the bleak dark winter, we nurture a warm hope deep in our souls. Change. Newness. Metamorphosis. What most of us realize about change is that it’s not about a day so much as it is about the […]

Put Down Your Screens! It’s Time to Read. [Summer Book List]

If you can read this coherently, then you have survived yet another school year! Congratulations! It’s time to throw off the burdens of homework, projects, and the dreaded pick-up line. Maybe you have a ton of things planned this summer, or perhaps your only goal is to survive. Either way, one of the best things […]

Are You Sharing Too Much of Your Kids? [What to Consider Before Posting]

I was nineteen years old when I received my first (and only) debt collection call. The man calling knew everything about me, and with authority, was set to collect on my unpaid debt. Except, the debt was from seven years earlier – when I was twelve. And the line of credit was opened with a […]

Why Sexual Predators Can Still Lurk on Social Media and Prey on Our Children

Which is more important to you as a parent: The government’s responsibility to protect vulnerable children from sex offenders or the constitutional right of free speech for sex offenders? Tough question. The US Supreme Court justices also thought so in 2017. The Post that Started It All In 2010 Lester Gerald Packingham entered a benign […]

The Alternative to Scrolling in 2018 is….

If you weren’t online right now, what would you be doing? When you aren’t scrolling through news, emails, and social media feeds, are you watching television? Working out? Cleaning your house? What about reading – as in actual books? Is this on your agenda? Brave Parenting believes one of the BEST goals for a New […]

Outsourcing Your Role as a Parent

“Honestly, I don’t know what I would do.” This was an honest confession from my neighbor about kids and screens. She and I were sitting on my front porch in the sweltering Texas heat. Jeanne is wise in her years, especially after raising 4 children as a single mother. But, the one feeling that came […]

4 Ideas To Create a Culture of Service and Empathy This Summer

School is almost out. Summer is approaching in all its glorious heat, pool days, beach trips, late nights around a campfire, and catching lightening bugs! All the good things of summer everyone looks forward to. With all these good things comes a lot of free time. So, the question every parent asks is: what to […]

Saving Childhood: Bringing Back Free Play

Once upon a time I had a darling little three year old and I nearly ruined our relationship. I made choices that left no room for her needs and stubbornly decided that because I was a mom I knew best. My child knew what was best, but I ignored her. It was our first year […]

Digital Amnesia and Why You Won’t Remember These Moments

Have you been at an event and witnessed someone experiencing life and capturing the moment solely through their phone? The evolution from film to digital has changed our lifestyle and most importantly our memories. We photographically document our lives extensively and excessively. From “why is my toddler crying”  (*snap*) to “this awesome meal we’re about […]


Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links to products for which we may receive a commission. There are 168 hours in a week. On average this is how our children spend these hours: 6.5 hr school x 5 days = 32.5 hours 4-9 hr media consumption x 7 days = 45.5 hours (avg) 2-3 hours extracurricular […]

Choice Hands: Be The Change or Be The Same

“This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed his life for us. This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers, and not just be out for ourselves. If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn […]

Breaking the Habit of Multitasking

You are Chief Coordinator of your household. You hold a job, cook meals, organize sports and extra-curricular activities, help with homework, schedule check-ups, drive the taxi, mow the grass, do the laundry and read stories at night. All of this while trying to keep an active social life and find time to be active in […]

The New Silent Killer of Relationships: Multitasking

Last night I burned dinner while I was texting. I was embarrassed admitting to my family why dinner was less than my best. Have you ever done this? A “quick” look at Facebook and your water has boiled over?  An email about a great sale happening sucks you in and you’ve forgotten what you were doing. Multitasking […]

Dear Homeschool Mom: 7 Truths You Need Right Now and Every Day.

Dear Homeschool Mom, You are a BRAVE PARENT. You might not believe me but I think you are amazing. Beautiful. Breathtaking. You inspire and encourage me, even when you’re struggling to form sentences after an exhausting day. I think you have the most beautiful heart and are so brave. You said, “yes” even when others (possibly even […]

The Truth About Fairy Tales

Childhood is a brief and sacred time, and sometimes parents skip over how important it is for kids to be kids. We tap our foot waiting for Father Time to speed up the process, because when they’re little, they can be exhausting! We’re almost always expecting relief in the next phase of their maturity rather […]

Your Brain on Books: 10 Incredible Benefits to Reading

A brain on books is proven to be better than a brain without books. Statistics show that a quarter of Americans have not read a single book in the past 12 months. Come on now, we need to be reading a lot more! Here are 10 game-changing and incredible reasons you should be reading more […]

How 20 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Child

I want the best for my kids. You do too, I’m sure. What if  I told you that one of the best things you can do for your child only took 20 minutes. That a solid 20 minutes has the potential to change your child’s life. Dare I say it, maybe even your relationship?  Would you […]



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