If It’s Between YouTube and Me – Pick Me!

In the minute it took to click the link to this article and begin reading, 400 hours of videos were uploaded to YouTube. YouTube is engaging its viewers intently across 91 countries and 80 different languages. In a calendar year, people watch 46,000 years worth of content. The enormity of that volume can barely be […]
Screens and Summer Webinar Recast

Do you long to feel like you have control over the screens in your home? SCREENS & SUMMER will teach you how to reclaim control of the screens and internet! This video isn’t about theoretical parenting. It’s not about having brave conversations with your kids (although those are important). It’s about how to actually safeguard, […]
Can I Have My Own YouTube Channel? 5 Questions to Ask Your Child Before Answering

Back in the early 90’s, I was a freshmen in high school and obsessed with the first reality television show of its kind, MTV’s: The Real World. One night my friend and I borrowed her Dad’s VHS camcorder and filmed our own version of this iconic reality show. Recorded entirely in my friend’s basement, it […]
The Growing Trend of “Random Video Chatting”: What Parents Need to Know

Everything online is moving towards video. Perhaps this is due to our plummeting attention spans or our lack of desire to read on a screen. More likely, however, it is because our brains are wired to appreciate and engage with moving, talking, breathing, humans instead of edited selfies. For children spending an increasing amount of […]
5 Reasons Why No Child Needs Snapchat

Everyone parenting in our Snapchat society can probably identify with one of these FOUR places: You are preparing for the adolescent/teen years when your child will ask for Snapchat. Your child has already asked for Snapchat and you are currently debating whether to allow it. You’ve allowed Snapchat, you don’t like it, and you need […]
How to Wean Your Child Off Social Media

You said yes to the social media app. So many of your kid’s friends use this app so it seemed like the right thing to do (I’m the only person in the school without it!), but now you regret allowing it. The constant selfies, the never-ending checking, viewing, responding, checking, checking, checking. It’s like they […]
How To Deactivate/Delete Social Media Accounts

Just recently, it was reported as “news” that the soon-to-be-wife of Prince Harry deleted her social media accounts. This is a woman who understands there is a time and place for a social media platform and that, ultimately, these accounts are not near as important as personal relationships. You don’t have to be marrying into […]
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Facebook’s MESSENGER KIDS

It’s widely known that tweens and teens aren’t on Facebook any more now that Great Grandma has a profile. From a business point of view, Facebook wants their share of the younger market back. Apparently owning Instagram and mimicking the features of Snapchat isn’t enough. Facebook has now introduced Messenger Kids: a safer place for […]
How Instagram Opens a Back Door to Pornography

The beloved photo-sharing social network our children love so much could be their first exposure to pornography. These aren’t methods promoted by Instagram, but kids are so tech-stealthy these days, they find ways around things. SEARCH: TOP PEOPLE TAGS PLACES The SEARCH feature is what turns your child’s small circle of peer influence into an […]
The Most Important iPhone Setting Every Parent Should be Using

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is hard to enforce healthy boundaries for our kids when it comes to their smartphones and devices, even harder is trying to enforce a strong “NO” to inappropriate apps. Kids are savvy and with the internet readily available they can Google or YouTube their way around your “healthy boundaries.” For a lot of parents, […]
What Every Parent Needs to Know About the Updated Instagram

Battling For Souls There are a few gigantic corporations brutally fighting it out in order to win the souls of our children (and money in their pockets.) By ‘souls’ we mean their entire livelihood and by ‘money’ we mean many millions. Aside from Google, who is a clear pack leader with their efforts to take […]
Kids are Savvy and Sneaky – Here’s Why You Should Care:

You aren’t going to like hearing this, but your children are most likely doing things behind your back you don’t know about. WAIT! WHAT!! Did you know? A better question, do you care? If their grades are not affected, do you care what they do at school? If their safety isn’t in jeopardy, do you mind […]
Blindfolded Parenting and the Rise of Snapchat

A recent survey of American parents revealed that less than half of parents (40%) know the content their children are seeing through social media accounts. This indicates 60% of parents are metaphorically BLINDFOLDED to what content is being poured into their child. Not surprising considering Snapchat, the master Houdini of all social media apps, has taken […]
The Instagram Games Girls Play (And Why My Answer is No)

For the thousandth time, my daughter breached the topic of social media with me. This time, however, I saw it coming. I knew she had a big question on her mind to ask me. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be following me around as I cleaned. As she worked up the courage to ask, I decided I […]
4 Lies Your Teens Want You to Believe About Social Media

*updated for 2019 Honesty and Social Media….do these two coexist? By the most recent statistics, 76% of teens in the US are using social media. Similarly, 77% of adults are using social media. If we are equal consumers, is it safe to assume we all use it the same? No way. We may represent an […]
#Flawless: How a Hashtag is Destroying Our Daughters

The evening sun was still blazing hot as my daughter and I found the tiniest patch of shade to settle our chairs in. We had 1.5 hours ahead of us while we watched my youngest son’s football practice. Without consideration of what my daughter planned to do, I selfishly and quickly settled into the book […]
The One Reason Kids Need Parental Restrictions on Phones

A recent study by Pew Research Group showed that only 16% of parents use parental controls to restrict their child’s cell or smart phone. To restate this in a more obvious and ominous way: 84% of parents DO NOT USE parental controls to restrict phone usage. As a parent in the 16% I assume this […]
Should Girls Have More Restricted Social Media than Boys?

I have 3 girls and 4 boys. Not all of my children are old enough (by my standards) to have a phone or social media but in those who are I have already seen a vast difference in how each gender handles phones and social media. Personally, I understand girls. Sharing the same gender class […]