Why Sexual Predators Can Still Lurk on Social Media and Prey on Our Children

Which is more important to you as a parent: The government’s responsibility to protect vulnerable children from sex offenders or the constitutional right of free speech for sex offenders? Tough question. The US Supreme Court justices also thought so in 2017. The Post that Started It All In 2010 Lester Gerald Packingham entered a benign […]

How to Wean Your Child Off Social Media

You said yes to the social media app. So many of your kid’s friends use this app so it seemed like the right thing to do (I’m the only person in the school without it!), but now you regret allowing it. The constant selfies, the never-ending checking, viewing, responding, checking, checking, checking. It’s like they […]

Love is NOT an Unrestricted Smartphone

A recent study by Pew Research Group showed that only 16% of parents use parental controls to restrict their child’s cell or smart phone. To restate this in a more obvious and ominous way: 84% of parents DO NOT USE parental controls to restrict phone usage. As a parent in the 16% I assume this […]

How To Deactivate/Delete Social Media Accounts

Just recently, it was reported as “news” that the soon-to-be-wife of Prince Harry deleted her social media accounts. This is a woman who understands there is a time and place for a social media platform and that, ultimately, these accounts are not near as important as personal relationships. You don’t have to be marrying into […]

The Doctor That Helps You Recover Deleted Data

If you have a child with a smartphone, then you need this Doctor. In the teenage subculture where sexting and nudes are now “first base,” wouldn’t you want to know if your son or daughter was partaking? In their world, where vicious words and unkind accusations flow fast and free from their fingertips, wouldn’t you […]

Apple iOS 11 & Earlier Parental Controls: Part IV

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. These Allow Changes parental controls is Part IV of password-protected parental Restrictions for a child’s iPhone. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to set up the Part I: […]

Part IV: Parental Controls for iPhone, iPad, and iPod

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. These Allow Changes parental controls is Part IV of password-protected parental Restrictions for a child’s iPhone. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to set up the Part I: […]

Part III: Parental Controls for iPhone, iPad, and iPod

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Privacy Parental Controls is Part III in setting up password-protected parental Restrictions. If you haven’t already completed the Part I: Basic Restrictions and Part II: Content Filters, you’ll […]

Apple iOS 11 & Earlier Parental Controls: Part III

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Privacy Parental Controls is Part III in setting up password-protected parental Restrictions. If you haven’t already completed the Part I: Basic Restrictions and Part II: Content Filters, you’ll […]

Part II: Parental Controls for iPhone, iPad, and iPod

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Content Filter Parental Controls is Part II of setting up your password-protected parental Restrictions on an iPhone. You should have already completed Part I: Basic Restrictions and then, […]

Apple iOS 11 & Earlier Parental Controls: Part II

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Content Filter Parental Controls is Part II of setting up your password-protected parental Restrictions on an iPhone. You should have already completed Part I: Basic Restrictions and then, […]

Apple iOS 11 & Earlier Parental Controls: Part I

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Basic Parental Controls  is Part I and where to begin activating the password-protected Restrictions on an iPhone. Once these are set you can move on to Part II: […]

Part I: Parental Controls for iPhone, iPad, and iPod

Apple products have fantastic parental restrictions built into the operating system. These restrictions are the same across all generations and regardless of which iOS version is running. Basic Parental Controls  is Part I and where to begin activating the password-protected Restrictions on an iPhone. Once these are set you can move on to Part II: […]

Windows Family Safety Parental Controls

If you use Windows PC in your home, Family Safety settings are essential for children’s accounts. They are easy to set up once you’ve created an account for each child who will use the PC. Finding the Family Safety in Windows is the only tricky part. Step 1: Tap the window icon on the toolbar […]

MAC Computer Parental Controls

Similar to Apple iPhones, Mac computers offer fantastic parental controls to protect your child’s internet and computer usage. Step 1: Go to System Preferences, which looks just like the Settings function on an iPhone. Step 2: Create separate user accounts for each child. Select Users & Groups. Step 3: Unlock to make changes. Click on […]

ANDROID Phone and Tablet Parental Controls

Android devices pose a unique challenge to parents who want to protect their children from inappropriate content and apps. There are very limited restrictions built into the device. Their open app environment, variations in each version, and ease of customization make it very difficult to effectively protect children. There are third party monitoring apps which […]

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Facebook’s MESSENGER KIDS

It’s widely known that tweens and teens aren’t on Facebook any more now that Great Grandma has a profile. From a business point of view, Facebook wants their share of the younger market back. Apparently owning Instagram and mimicking the features of Snapchat isn’t enough. Facebook has now introduced Messenger Kids: a safer place for […]

Outsourcing Your Role as a Parent

“Honestly, I don’t know what I would do.” This was an honest confession from my neighbor about kids and screens. She and I were sitting on my front porch in the sweltering Texas heat. Jeanne is wise in her years, especially after raising 4 children as a single mother. But, the one feeling that came […]

Porn-Proofing your Home

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links to products for which we may receive a commission. We purchased all products mentioned at full price and only became an affiliate after using and loving them ourselves. Do you recycle in your home? If so, chances are you have discussed with your children the importance of recycling in […]

How Instagram Opens a Back Door to Pornography

The beloved photo-sharing social network our children love so much could be their first exposure to pornography. These aren’t methods promoted by Instagram, but kids are so tech-stealthy these days, they find ways around things. SEARCH: TOP   PEOPLE    TAGS    PLACES The SEARCH feature is what turns your child’s small circle of peer influence into an […]

Teaching Texting: The Parent’s Responsibility

Parents gain wisdom from experience. Children make foolish mistakes. One of the fundamental responsibilities of parents is to teach lessons from our wisdom in hopes to prevent foolish mistakes. Most of us like to think we champion this responsibility with excellence. Unfortunately, too many lessons happen in the silent recesses of our brains known as […]



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