Brave Parenting Guide to THC Vape Pens

Brave Parenting Guide to THC Vape Pens
There is a growing problem of teenage use and addiction to THC vape pens. It’s difficult to ascertain whether parents know it’s happening but don’t know how to deal with it – or – if they don’t want to know because that means they’ll have to deal with it.
For anyone who has not followed the marijuana narrative over the past five years, let’s catch everyone up to speed.
Amazon Prime Video Parental Controls

If you, like millions of others, pay for an annual Amazon Prime account you have instant access to Prime Video. Prime video has applications for smartphones, smart televisions, set top boxes (like Google Chromecast), game consoles, and more. Regardless where you access Prime Video from, activating the parental controls happens on Amazon itself. Amazon does […]
Disney+ Parental Controls

Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic all in one place – this is Disney+. For your daughter, all the princess movies; for your son, all the Star Wars. Hopefully you like superheros, Mom & Dad. The on-demand and ad-free streaming service is off to a big start with over 50 million subscribers in […]
Netflix Parental Controls

Updated Netflix Parental Controls! Netflix boasts 150 million subscribers. A lot of those are families who have been waiting for stronger parental controls for while. Well, they are finally here! Now, you can lock any profile with a 4-digit PIN. This feature prohibits kids from accessing the adult/parent profile with mature content. In the same […]
Screen Time Standards During COVID-19 Captivity

The standards you live by are important. They are like the bones of the body, which keeps it supported and structured. Imagine the floppy mess we’d be without bones. While bones and structure are essential for a functioning body, they are not what keeps us alive. It is our relationships that is the heartbeat of […]
The COVID-19 Chaos Could Be a GIFT to Your Family – Don’t Miss it!

Call the COVID-19 cancellations and closures CRAZY – Call it SAFE – Call it FEAR – call it whatever you want, but the reality is our kids are home and the toilet paper likely needs to be rationed. We are all asking the question “What on earth are we going to do for another week […]
The Remind App: More Than Just Convenience?

As school goes back across the country, the Remind app (formerly Remind 101) claimed a temporary position as the #1 Free App in the iTunes app store. It’s easy to assume apps and services like Remind are required for students and parents, as so many teachers are integrating smart technology and conveniences into their classrooms. […]
The Real Problems with Fortnite

The creators of Fortnite are geniuses. If Epic Games hasn’t been nominated yet for the “TIME 100: Most Influential People”, they should be. This one game, created by one company, carries an incredible power of influence over many children (and some adults) who play it. For many parents, they only know the game is fun, […]
“LIVE LISTEN”: The Eavesdropping iPhone Feature & What Parents Do Next

Every new, expanded feature in tech has both the potential for BENEFIT and the potential for HARM. Apps and websites meant to positively connect people are also used to spread hate, plan crimes, or connect predators to their victims. Smart technology can make our home entertainment options vast and convenient. That same smart technology, however, […]
Inside Instagram: What Every Parent Needs to Know [VIDEO]

Back in 2017 we published an article: What Every Parent Needs to Know About the Updated Instagram. To this day, it stands as our most popular article reaching over 550,000 people. Parents are rising up in bravery and making informed decisions about how their children engage online – this is great! In the time since […]
Can I Have My Own YouTube Channel? 5 Questions to Ask Your Child Before Answering

Back in the early 90’s, I was a freshmen in high school and obsessed with the first reality television show of its kind, MTV’s: The Real World. One night my friend and I borrowed her Dad’s VHS camcorder and filmed our own version of this iconic reality show. Recorded entirely in my friend’s basement, it […]
The Growing Trend of “Random Video Chatting”: What Parents Need to Know

Everything online is moving towards video. Perhaps this is due to our plummeting attention spans or our lack of desire to read on a screen. More likely, however, it is because our brains are wired to appreciate and engage with moving, talking, breathing, humans instead of edited selfies. For children spending an increasing amount of […]
5 Reasons Why No Child Needs Snapchat

Everyone parenting in our Snapchat society can probably identify with one of these FOUR places: You are preparing for the adolescent/teen years when your child will ask for Snapchat. Your child has already asked for Snapchat and you are currently debating whether to allow it. You’ve allowed Snapchat, you don’t like it, and you need […]
A Parent’s Guide to Shared Data (Not Just on Facebook)

Facebook has been collecting, using and selling our data. This is the new outrage. After discovering the data abuse of nearly 50 million Facebook profiles for political ends by Cambridge Analytica, the blind trust in the Social Networking giant has ended. News of Facebook’s practice of collecting phone and text data on Android phones added […]
LEGO Life App and The Slow Death of Childhood Play

Late one evening in 1999, I made a late-night Wal-Mart run with some college friends. This trip is only memorable because it was the first time I saw a man ecstatic about buying LEGO sets. His smile spread and his eyes glistened with joy as he found the display of newly released Star Wars LEGO sets. […]
What Every Parent Needs to Learn from Recent SWATting Tragedy

In late December 2017, a news story out of Wichita, Kansas brought a growing issue into full light: SWATting. While this may seem like an issue for large cities or a crime-riddled subculture not affecting the average family, there are valuable lessons every parent and child can learn from this story. “SWATting” SWATting refers to […]
What Every Parent Needs to Know About Facebook’s MESSENGER KIDS

It’s widely known that tweens and teens aren’t on Facebook any more now that Great Grandma has a profile. From a business point of view, Facebook wants their share of the younger market back. Apparently owning Instagram and mimicking the features of Snapchat isn’t enough. Facebook has now introduced Messenger Kids: a safer place for […]
Post. Shame. Delete. Repeat: The Way Social Media is Changing Friendship Among Teens

The Pattern “Ask me who are the 3 people I hate and I’ll tell you” the girl’s Instagram post starts out. Quickly, fellow high school students jump in guessing who, preferring this gossip rich distraction to their teacher’s lesson or assignments. Before long, the girl reveals the names on her new “hated” list. “Wait – […]
SEXTING: What Parents Need to Know (and Do!)

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links to products for which we may receive a commission. What you know about sexting probably depends on your age and the age of your child. If you have middle school aged children in the public school system, you may have heard stories directly from your children or perhaps you have already dealt with […]